I recently heard of the saying, ‘Eat That Frog’ when reading about business growth and development. At first, my reaction was, “What on earth could a frog have to do with growing my business??” Feeling intrigued, I continued reading and was quite impressed, so much so, I’m sharing it with you.
We all have jobs which we absolutely hate doing, in every aspect of our lives, our personal lives, our work lives, and particularly in our businesses. Those jobs we procrastinate about, think about, talk about endlessly. In a business perspective, we all know time is money! Think of these jobs as the frog, just as Brian Tracy has explained in his blog.
Imagine knowing that today you had to eat a live frog. It would no doubt be something you would be dreading, taking over your concentration knowing you had a horrible job to do. Tracy says to just get up and eat it straight up without taking too much time to think about it, get it over and done with so you can move on with your day effectively. The downside of not tackling the frog first is that it would be constantly on your mind until you ate it, you would not be able to commit to other tasks fully, knowing you had such a horrible job still on your to-do-list.
Whilst eating a frog is one of the grossest things we can think of doing, particularly live, we can relate it to having jobs hanging over our head, constantly worrying about them, thinking about how we can get around them or make them less painful. If we just tackled it first thing and got it out of the way, we can then focus on other items more clearly which means our time is being used more effectively. Then, we’ll get a little feeling of success for completing something so painful – a good kick start to the day! That little confidence kick and a clearer mind to carry you through the day is bound to bring efficiency and, in turn, more room for growth and achievements.
So have a go at eating that frog – first thing in the morning!