I will manage my cash flow more effectively.
Before even attempting these resolutions having a steady cash flow is vital! A prominent study from the financial services company U.S. Bank found that 82% of start-ups and small businesses fail due to poor cash-flow management. Read on if you want to be an exception!
I will improve my digital presence.
Don’t let valuable customers slip through the cracks of a poor web presence. Even if your website and email marketing list is up to date, when was the last time you checked if you’re web-presence was mobile friendly? Have you tried your hand at social media? Now is the time!
I will invest in much needed technology/equipment.
Nothing stunts productivity, and frustrates employees more than being stuck in the dark ages when it comes to fast advancing technology. Slow internet speeds, clunky operating systems and inadequate tools can eat up valuable time. While it may feel like a big investment it’ll pay for itself in future time saving.
I will learn something new.
If the end of the year is quiet for you, build in reading time and supplementary training to refresh the skills of both you and your employees! Industry blogs, books, magazines, demo videos are just a few in the long list of resources at hand that will enable you to be on top of the trends in your industry.
I will strategise weekly.
It is easy to steer off track when you forget where the track is leading. Each week you should remind your team of their individual and collective goals for the week.
I will build a promotions Calendar.
Holidays such as Easter and Valentine’s Day may seem unnecessary but they are designed to be vital marketing opportunities for any business. So get your calendar out and use the appeal of these festivities to your advantage.
I will consider my Hiring needs.
Of course none of the above can be done without the commitment and dedication of loyal employees. While running on skeleton staff may seem cost effective short term, make sure you don’t take it too far leaving unnecessary strain on your current staff. Consider hiring casuals to alleviate some of the excess pressure at peak times.